Penny tile: Something a little different


While surfing the internet, I came across an article in The Sun about a father and son in the UK who were covering their garage floor with thousands of pennies to create a penny tile mosaic.

Even though this would end up being a very labour intensive install (the father and son have spent a month tiling half the floor so far) this mosaic floor looks like it will be quite an amazing floor when it is all done. The two men, have collected over $1000 CDN in pennies either donated or purchased. They then soaked roughly half of the pennies in Coca-Cola to clean them up and make them shine. The pennies were installed in a pattern to create the two-tone effect. When the evening sun streams in through the windows, the floor shines. What a garage!

They will likely cover the floor in a lacquer or epoxy to keep the bright ones looking good, and make the floor a little more durable.

In another article from the same news paper, a barber had used pennies to cover the floor in his shop. He estimates that it took around 200 man hours to complete the project. However, this floor made this particular shop the most extravagant of the four shops he owns.

Take a look at the photos below, and if you are looking for something similar for your next project give us a call and we would be happy to discuss making this a reality in your home or business.

Read the full article.